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The Interrogation of Stephanie Lazarus

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In 1986, LAPD cop, Stephanie Lazarus, shot her love rival to death. She got away with it for 25 years. But in 2009, new DNA testing from her own police department linked her to the murder. And the very moment she finds all this out was caught on video.
Voice over -
John, breadcrumbed Stephanie for years
The LA PD helped her with this to the hilt at first. They protect their own. People then wonder why the Police are so hated and disrespected.
Poor woman 😑😑
Isn’t it beautiful how this monster said “I conquer nature, I conquer nature by killing it” and then, the Juniper trees, beautiful nature, provided evidence which ultimately conquered him in the end, it is poetry 🌲
This video used to be longer???
The husband, John, sounds like a real pos too. Sounds to me like he led Stephanie on and dated both of them. Then he slept with Stephanie again after his wife was killed. How long after his wife was killed did that happen? Even if he didn't suspect Stephanie (which he should have bc the two women had gotten into an argument) he still slept with this chick right after his wife died.
This was brilliant the first time I saw it.
Well geez ah pfffff fff da ah fffff pffff i mean ahhh fffpffff daaaaa um pff idk that was a million years ago
That thumbnail freaked me out
So at the beginning, she barely remembered who he was or how to pronounce his name. But in approximately 5 minutes, she knew his name, his birth year, all of his relatives, their names, and whats schools they went to.
The role Jim Carrey was born to play.
"Aww geez" yes Morty!
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